Trump’s Corona: World Death Race Day 2 (March 19, 2020)

These charts are changing so rapidly, it makes one’s head spin and induces nauseating vertigo. The implications are stark and staggering. In near hourly increments, the US forges ahead of nearly everyone else in the World to a place of shame and medical implosion. In one day the US has jumped from World Number 8… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: World Death Race Day 2 (March 19, 2020)

Trump’s Folly: Louisiana Core Covid-19 Tracking Data III (March 19, 2020)

Louisiana’s first reported Covid-19 case was a patient in Jefferson Parish near New Orleans. He was diagnosed on March 9 and he is officially the Index case for Louisiana, so far as government and public health authorities can tell. Our Governor has undertaken rapid and comprehensive public health measures since then to blunt the ravages… Continue reading Trump’s Folly: Louisiana Core Covid-19 Tracking Data III (March 19, 2020)

Trump’s Folly: Louisiana Core Covid-19 Tracking Data II (March 18, 2020)

Louisiana’s first reported Covid-19 case was a patient in Jefferson Parish near New Orleans. He was diagnosed on March 9 and he is officially the Index case for Louisiana, so far as government and public health authorities can tell. Our Governor has undertaken rapid and comprehensive public health measures since then to blunt the ravages… Continue reading Trump’s Folly: Louisiana Core Covid-19 Tracking Data II (March 18, 2020)

Trump’s Folly: Louisiana Core Covid-19 Tracking Data (March 17, 2020)

Louisiana’s first reported Covid-19 case was a patient in Jefferson Parish near New Orleans. He was diagnosed on March 9 and he is officially the Index case for Louisiana, so far as government and public health authorities can tell. Our Governor has undertaken rapid and comprehensive public health measures since then to blunt the ravages… Continue reading Trump’s Folly: Louisiana Core Covid-19 Tracking Data (March 17, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Mental Abacus US Calculator (March 17, 2020)

It is now painfully and woefully apparent the US is ensnared in a massive and rapid pandemic spread of Covid-19 infections. All 50 states are now officially affected, as West Virginia finally found and confirmed its first case. As of this morning, the State Health Department website indicated that 80 tests had been conducted and… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Mental Abacus US Calculator (March 17, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Louisiana Down Home Edition (March 16, 2020)

The statewide response from Louisiana’s Governor and Public Health apparatus is refreshingly crisp, on point, and faithful to science-based principles. The Department of Health website is clear, informative and easy to access. The data are updated twice a day, morning and COB, and so far, they have not missed a best. Sadly, my home state… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Louisiana Down Home Edition (March 16, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Who Done It? Second Verse (March 16, 2020)

Daily Update and Progress Checker Thank God for many interested private groups and media organizations who really are chasing this 24/7 to the lasting benefit of all Americans. Here is one thread of the comprehensive New York Times Covid-19 tracking database teased out with some analysis. For days now, the official rap is that the… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Who Done It? Second Verse (March 16, 2020)

Trump & The Viroskeptics Moon (March 15, 2020)

Trump.45 blew off the Covid-19 serious threat for weeks and weeks. 3 weeks ago the initial Stock Crater finally got his attention. He half-hearted it until the end of this past week with double engined Oval Office Speech and National Emergency Proclamation. We are all on our way together now. Let ‘Ol Blue Eyes, Francis… Continue reading Trump & The Viroskeptics Moon (March 15, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Louisiana Down Home Edition (March 15, 2020)

The statewide response from Louisiana’s Governor and Public Health apparatus is refreshingly crisp, on point, and faithful to science-based principles. The Department of Health website is clear, informative and easy to access. The data are updated twice a day, morning and COB, and so far, they have not missed a best. Sadly, my home state… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Louisiana Down Home Edition (March 15, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Who Done It? (March 15, 2020)

We finally have some semi-decent numbers to address significant Covid-19 epidemic questions within our own US borders. We already know the Federal informatics response is just pitiful: laggard, out of date, incomplete. A truly half-hearted effort run by a group claiming petal to the metal 20-hour workdays. Rubbish. Thank God for many interested private groups… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Who Done It? (March 15, 2020)