Trump & the Hood Ornament (March 13, 2020)

All Hands on Deck for Serious Mitigation against Covid-19 community spread. Bash the Curve of Disaster Now! No more Excuses. No more Mulligans. A Figurehead at the Prow is an old tradition; it doesn’t affect how the Ship of State cuts through Heavy Seas. God Protect America as better sailors take hold of the Helm.… Continue reading Trump & the Hood Ornament (March 13, 2020)

Trump’s Two Grains of Rice: US Corona Daily Growth Multiplier Addendum (March 12, 2020)

Analytic Section Missing from Original Post What Does the Chart Suggest? There are no definitive answers for the US based behavior of the Covid-19 novel virus. But there are approximations possible that can be useful while the storm is upon us, subject to revision and always seeking the best and most complete data to support… Continue reading Trump’s Two Grains of Rice: US Corona Daily Growth Multiplier Addendum (March 12, 2020)

Trump’s Two Grains of Rice: US Corona Daily Growth Multiplier (March 12, 2020)

There are well funded, very smart academics in many centers who are doing sophisticated future modeling of the Covid-19 pandemic in the US, and how it is likely to grow and morph over the next 6 months to a year. They are critical to our future preparedness. But we also need early, crude, rough approximations… Continue reading Trump’s Two Grains of Rice: US Corona Daily Growth Multiplier (March 12, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Early US Death Rates by State 02 (March 12, 2020)

It is still and more than ever to our national shames that Federal Public Health authorities are essentially playing with half a deck on this most serious infectious disease outbreak in more than a decade. Their retreat from compiling definitively all the available public health data and testing results is shocking and deeply troubling. In… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Early US Death Rates by State 02 (March 12, 2020)

Trump & Conscious Autosuggestion (March 12, 2020)

As Trump.45 rages in his struggle against puny little Covid-19, he seems to apply the self-help method of Conscious Autosuggestion, originated by French psychologist Émile Coué, one hundred years ago. Trump’s current probability of success in the contest is similar to that of Coué a century ago. Americans are leaving Trump.45 behind to fend for himself and… Continue reading Trump & Conscious Autosuggestion (March 12, 2020)

Trump & The Arena (March 12, 2020)

Trump.45 lives and dies by the Stock Market’s approval of his actions. He thinks he deserves it, and he thinks he earned it. Wish Granted. The US Stock Market across the board delivered a unanimous verdict today on the Trump.45 versus pesky Foreign Virus (Covid-19) struggle for hearts and minds. The petit virus wiped out… Continue reading Trump & The Arena (March 12, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Early US Death Rates by State (March 11, 2020)

It is to our national shame that Federal Public Health authorities are essentially playing with half a deck on this most serious infectious disease outbreak in more than a decade. Their retreat from compiling definitively all the available public health data and testing results is shocking and deeply troubling to any public health practitioner. In… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Early US Death Rates by State (March 11, 2020)

Trump & No Pants Surveillance (March 11, 2020)

The lack of diagnostic testing for acute illness is reckless enough, but hides in plain sight an even deeper failure. Thanks to Trump we have essentially no fulsome Epidemiologic Surveillance Testing being done for Covid-19 today in the US, because testing is so choked. Can’t find what you don’t look for. One exception stands out.… Continue reading Trump & No Pants Surveillance (March 11, 2020)

Trump & Flatten the Curve (March 11, 2020)

The virus is already moving freely around the entire United States. Incomplete new travel bans are way too little, too late to halt the spread. Covid-19 is fully a US Domestic Terrorist now. Trump’s denial-lite dallying means he is more and more irrelevant to the fight. State and Local governments, public health authorities, and citizens… Continue reading Trump & Flatten the Curve (March 11, 2020)

Trump & the Viral Horse (March 11, 2020)

Mythical Covid-19 containment broadly in the US has failed miserably. Sensible people have moved to aggressive public health mitigation procedures and practices. The souped up Covid-19 Viral Horse in the US is running free, out and about. Incompetence, Denial, Confusion, and Delay have given the US portion of the Pandemic a massive head start. Trump.45… Continue reading Trump & the Viral Horse (March 11, 2020)