Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 07 (March 10, 2020)

America needs competent, reliable, fact-based accurate information to plan how we react together to weather this new viral assault more than ever. This is the seventh in a daily series which started March 1, 2020, which we will now transition to weekly reporting, as the number of reported cases grows and epidemiologic measures such as… Continue reading Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 07 (March 10, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: God Has a Very Wicked Sense of Humor (March 8, 2020)

From the first time he descended the escalator and stepped onto the political stage (June 2015) Trump.45 has repeatedly denigrated and defamed our immediate southern neighbors in Mexico. He railed against rapists, drug dealers, human traffickers, gang members, and I presume, a few good people. That was before the hordes of migrant caravans and imminent… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: God Has a Very Wicked Sense of Humor (March 8, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: World’s COVID-19 Hot 10 (March 7, 2020)

Using the best available daily data, here are the World’s COVID-19 Hot 10, the specific countries with the largest, most important novel coronavirus hotspot national epidemic outbreaks, as of tonight March 7, 2020. The chart below provides the bad news numbers for the last three days, and will be updated to follow the virus pandemics’… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: World’s COVID-19 Hot 10 (March 7, 2020)

Trump & the Corona Jawbone (March 7, 2020)

Biblical Lessons for the Modern Day Bible inspired meditation at the end of a most sorrowful week. Amen and may God help nurses, doctors, care givers, and and first responders protect America while leaders fumble and excuse their negligent misconduct. America’s trials we all share in common will worsen before they get better.