Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 06 (March 6, 2020)

America needs more than ever competent, reliable, fact-based accurate information to plan how we react together to weather this new viral assault. This is the sixth in a series of daily updates, starting on March 1, 2020. Public Health Personal Prevention Guidance for Coronavirus Wash Your Hands, Wash Your Hands, Wash Your Hands Have Hand… Continue reading Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 06 (March 6, 2020)

Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 05 (March 5, 2020)

America needs competent, reliable, fact-based accurate information to plan how we react together to weather this new viral assault. This is the fourth in a series of daily updates, starting on March 1, 2020. Public Health Personal Prevention Guidance for Coronavirus Wash Your Hands, Wash Your Hands, Wash Your Hands Have Hand Sanitizer (60% alcohol)… Continue reading Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 05 (March 5, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: CDC’s Cowardly Lion Response II (March 5, 2020)

A Shameful Act in Five Parts Partial credit where partial credit is due. CDC has not gone dark and has made some modest overnight improvements in the case reporting information organization. Sympathy to hard working middle level scientists and health care workers faced with a novel threat challenge, and heavily burdened by a political millstone… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: CDC’s Cowardly Lion Response II (March 5, 2020)

Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 04 (March 4, 2020)

America needs competent, reliable, fact-based accurate information to plan how we react together to weather this new viral assault. This is the fourth in a series of daily updates, starting on March 1, 2020. Public Health Personal Prevention Guidance for Coronavirus Wash Your Hands, Wash Your Hands, Wash Your Hands Have Hand Sanitizer (60% alcohol)… Continue reading Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 04 (March 4, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: CDC’s Cowardly Lion Response (March 4, 2020)

A Shameful Act in Four Parts No one interested in science or fact-based reality testing even remotely expects much anymore from Trump.45, who has an indelible and persistent lifelong record of fudging, obfuscation, and denial. It is no surprise that his hand-picked loyalist bureaucrats like HHS Secretary Azar bend over and toe the line in… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: CDC’s Cowardly Lion Response (March 4, 2020)

Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 03 (March 3, 2020)

America needs competent, reliable, fact-based accurate information to plan how we react together to weather this new viral assault. This is the third in a series of daily updates, starting on March 1, 2020. Public Health Personal Prevention Guidance for Coronavirus Wash Your Hands, Wash Your Hands, Wash Your Hands Have Hand Sanitizer (60% alcohol)… Continue reading Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 03 (March 3, 2020)

Trump Hands on Coronavirus & He Blows it Again (March 3, 2020)

Just when you foolishly thought it might be safe to go near the water, Trump.45 is at it again, peddling his profoundly ignorant mumble jumbles to an unsuspecting American public. Kudos to the New York Times for dogged pursuit of facts on Coronavirus 2020 in the Live Updates Section. If you care, you should consult… Continue reading Trump Hands on Coronavirus & He Blows it Again (March 3, 2020)

Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 02 (March 2, 2020)

Sad to say, due to Trump.45’s consistent AIM (Arrogance, Incompetence, and Misinformation) we now have an American spreading wave of viral illness, with two known deaths on U.S soil in the last week, new case community spread in 11 states, significant negligence by CDC lab officials in botching test protocols and reagent manufacturing, and continued… Continue reading Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 02 (March 2, 2020)

Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 01 (March 1, 2020)

Sad to say, due to Trump.45’s consistent AIM (Arrogance, Incompetence, and Misinformation) we now have an American spreading wave of viral illness, with two known deaths on U.S soil in the last week, new case community spread in 11 states, significant negligence by CDC lab officials in botching test protocols and reagent manufacturing, and continued… Continue reading Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 01 (March 1, 2020)