Trump E-Gram: Voting Blue Skies Over (November 1, 2020)

We are just about 24 hours out from the crowning Big Event. There is essentially No Doubt that this will be the largest Presidential Election in American History. It would take an unprecedented  nationwide Weather Calamity to derail this prediction. This is Electoral and Political History, Folks. And you are part of it, as it… Continue reading Trump E-Gram: Voting Blue Skies Over (November 1, 2020)

Trump Election 2020: Texas Voting Tripping with Willie (October 31, 2020)

This has been a hellish year, one for the record books. The Election is 3 days off. There has been no seismic interruption in the last 24 hours, and none is likely to matter in the next 48 hours. The weather across the US should be good for voting, except perhaps in part of New… Continue reading Trump Election 2020: Texas Voting Tripping with Willie (October 31, 2020)

Trump E-Gram: Three More Trading Days Left (October 28, 2020)

Wall Street New York City October 1929 The Economy is Trump.45’s Biggest Accomplishment as President. He often says so. Just listen to him. Your 401Ks are Through the Roof. Even the Middle Class can get some of that luscious green gravy. You ordinary folk can aspire to sup at the Rich Man’s dinner table or… Continue reading Trump E-Gram: Three More Trading Days Left (October 28, 2020)

Trump E-Gram: Early Big Vote Kahuna (October 27, 2020)

Trump.45 hates Big Votes. He can’t stand it when Americans actually have their own say, and aren’t muzzled, tricked, suppressed, gerrymandered, shut out, closed down, or deprived by old line Jim Crow Court Tactics by Judges wearing Black Robes and speaking with more cultured accents.* The voter deprivation tactics are classic, and well-greased from prior… Continue reading Trump E-Gram: Early Big Vote Kahuna (October 27, 2020)

Trump E-Gram: Racing for The Record (October 25, 2020)

Hot Damn, America! America’s Vote Train is Full Throttle, Racing for the Iron Rail Crown with four hours left on Day Minus-9. At 8:40 PM USEP tallies just shy of 60 million Early Votes in reporting states. They are almost exactly proportioned at 40 million Mail In to 20 million In Person, a neatly satisfying… Continue reading Trump E-Gram: Racing for The Record (October 25, 2020)

Trump E-Gram: Texas Early Rising Blue (October 25, 2020)

From Wikipedia on 2016 Texas Presidential Election: The voting age population was 19,307,355, of which 15,101,087 were registered to vote. Turnout was 8,969,226, which is 46.45% of the voting age population and 59.39% of registered voters. Thirteen candidates received write-in votes, of which the large majority (42,366) went to Evan McMullin. Registration in 2020 is… Continue reading Trump E-Gram: Texas Early Rising Blue (October 25, 2020)

Trump E-Gram: Lean More Early Voting (October 24, 2020)

Today is Saturday October 24, 2020. 10 Days to Go. Gut Check Time Folks! This is not your average Election. Trump is NOT NORMAL. Everyone already knows that. But we still count actual votes in America, not conspiracy theories, or authoritarian command fantasies. The Hot Spotlight is on and will stay on 24/7 until Tuesday… Continue reading Trump E-Gram: Lean More Early Voting (October 24, 2020)

Trump E-Gram: Jobs Baloney (October 22, 2020)

Trump.45 can’t add. And he is a Crap Magician with his Employment Smoke and Disappears. He insisted over and over about the Best of All Possible Job Worlds with his 11.4 million new jobs created since May. He stoutly resisted any talk of unemployment numbers for his 60 Minutes interview. To an American Worker, talking… Continue reading Trump E-Gram: Jobs Baloney (October 22, 2020)

Trump Election Gram: This is Neurological (October 22, 2020)

Trump.45 scored a pseudo-coup today by breaking his word and releasing the full unedited upcoming 60 Minutes Sunday interview himself. Because he can. Because his Word Means Nothing. Presumably, he thinks it will alter the earthbound trajectory of his 2020 campaign at D Minus-13. Judge for yourself. I think perhaps Trump.45 overestimates the value of… Continue reading Trump Election Gram: This is Neurological (October 22, 2020)

Trump Election 2020: Forward Leaning Early Voting (October 20, 2020)

Today is Tuesday October 20, 2020. 14 Days to Go. This is not your average Election. Trump is NOT NORMAL. Everyone already knows that. But we still count actual votes in America, not conspiracy theories, or authoritarian command fantasies. And we have some reliable Data Guides. The Hot Spotlight is on and will stay on… Continue reading Trump Election 2020: Forward Leaning Early Voting (October 20, 2020)