Trump Flash Quickie: Sean Spicer’s Unintended Stroke of Genius (February 9, 2017) Revised

Here is the fourth appearance of a new Trump.45 species of information transfer, a hint of his gracious MAGA restoration effort. Imagine the sound of a flashbulb popping on a heavy 40’s style news photog’s camera wielded by a Joe Pesci-type character, revealing in an instant the seamy side of politics, life, love, social gossip,… Continue reading Trump Flash Quickie: Sean Spicer’s Unintended Stroke of Genius (February 9, 2017) Revised

Trump’s Jelly Bean: Ivanka Gets an Integrity Booster (February 8, 2017)

Big Daddy is not one to let any Tom, Dick, or Harry Nordstrom diss his favorite baby girl and her immensely successful commercial fashion brand and empire combo. Donald & the Young Ivanka: Already a Fashion Plate So, a sitting US President has called out a major American retailer not for moving jobs overseas, not… Continue reading Trump’s Jelly Bean: Ivanka Gets an Integrity Booster (February 8, 2017)

Trump’s Jelly Beans: A New Perspective on Trump.45 (February 6, 2017)

Presidential Jelly Beans Intro Presidential preferences for particular favorites among America’s cornucopia* of products and services can often affect consumer attitudes and buying preferences. None before today have ever tried to make a serious profit from their bully pulpit to influence product purchases or endorsement. Just another way Trump is different. The first main sugar… Continue reading Trump’s Jelly Beans: A New Perspective on Trump.45 (February 6, 2017)

Trump’s Reciprocal: The Presidency Starts Working its Magic (February 5, 2017)

Rampant speculation abounds on the ways Trump has, will, won’t, can’t, should, shouldn’t, ought, might, wants to, fails to, and tries to change the Presidency. A developing story. But America’s Office of the President is 44 times bigger and older than anything Trump has to offer in that regard. And it has 227 years more… Continue reading Trump’s Reciprocal: The Presidency Starts Working its Magic (February 5, 2017)

Trump Flash Quickie: Presidential Profiteering With Hats (February 1, 2017)

Here is the third appearance of a new Trump.45 species of information transfer, a hint of his gracious MAGA restoration effort. Imagine the sound of a flashbulb popping on a heavy 40’s style news photog’s camera wielded by a Joe Pesci-type character, revealing in an instant the seamy side of politics, life, love, social gossip,… Continue reading Trump Flash Quickie: Presidential Profiteering With Hats (February 1, 2017)

Trump Flash Quickie: All Hands on Deck (January 31, 2017)

Here is the second appearance of a new Trump.45 species of information transfer, a hint of his gracious MAGA restoration effort. Imagine the sound of a flashbulb popping on a heavy 40’s style news photog’s camera wielded by a Joe Pesci-type character, revealing in an instant the seamy side of politics, life, love, social gossip,… Continue reading Trump Flash Quickie: All Hands on Deck (January 31, 2017)

Trump Flash Quickie: A Disappearing Flynn (January 31, 2017)

A 1940’s Street-Wise New York Photographer (Joe Pesci in the Public Eye 1992) Here is the inaugural of a new Trump.45 species of information transfer, a hint of his gracious MAGA restoration effort. Imagine the unforgettable sound of a flashbulb popping on a heavy 40’s style news photog’s camera wielded by a Joe Pesci-type character,… Continue reading Trump Flash Quickie: A Disappearing Flynn (January 31, 2017)

Trump’s Desk: Pilgrim’s Progress After One Week (January 29, 2017)

Our President had a rough first week in office, despite his very best efforts to unite the country and do right by a restored Christian (White) America. He did get off to a fast start a week ago Friday, by utterly vanquishing that terrible beast ObamaCare, on a first-pass paper basis at least. After an… Continue reading Trump’s Desk: Pilgrim’s Progress After One Week (January 29, 2017)

Trump’s Daily Mind Tabs #02: Citizen Crowds for Liberty (January 28, 2017)

These are the most exciting times, fellow travellers. Our Dear Leader (ODL) is busy at it again. His vaunted Liberty Re-imagined Order was signed at 4:42 PM yesterday, unleashing a tidal wave of spontaneous love and respect from a grateful nation. New York’s JFK Airport Terminal 4: Crowds Supporting Trump or Immigrants (Alternate Factual Choices),… Continue reading Trump’s Daily Mind Tabs #02: Citizen Crowds for Liberty (January 28, 2017)

Trump’s Voter Fraud Evidence: Tin-Can Telephone Intelligence (January 27, 2017)

So, Trump really does have a case of the major voter-fraud red ass. Maybe it started up again over the weekend to distract from the drubbing he (and Spicer) were taking for their ‘my huge inauguration crowd baloney’, or maybe Trump was just getting around to rehash mode from last fall when it became plain… Continue reading Trump’s Voter Fraud Evidence: Tin-Can Telephone Intelligence (January 27, 2017)