Trump’s Daily Mind Tabs #01: Ex-Liberty (January 25, 2017)

These are most exciting times, fellow travellers. Our Dear Leader (ODL) is busy at it again on this Wednesday, January 25, our First day of Real National Security Protection in oh so many years We were all gifted with another EO signing at the WH today. This one has teeth. As usual, it is couched… Continue reading Trump’s Daily Mind Tabs #01: Ex-Liberty (January 25, 2017)

Trump’s Crowd Size Contest: Male Enhancement Challenge (January 24, 2017)

As immensely difficult personally as it was for Trump to swallow the implied jeers about his small inaugural crowd size, delivered by the Media he so despises (compared to that Kenyan Muslim guy no less), which downed his inaugural emotional high on Friday. Trump seemed to have simmered down somewhat by Monday evening. But, no.… Continue reading Trump’s Crowd Size Contest: Male Enhancement Challenge (January 24, 2017)

Trump & Health Care: Government by Magic 8 Ball (January 23, 2017)

From the news: On President Trump’s first day in office he took action against the Affordable Care Act, or ObamaCare, as promised. He signed an executive order to “minimize the economic burden of the Affordable Care Act pending repeal.” The two-page order did not repeal the law, but it could weaken it. There are three… Continue reading Trump & Health Care: Government by Magic 8 Ball (January 23, 2017)

Trump’s Bucket List: All Your Dreams Can Come True* (January 21, 2017)

Like many Americans, I find myself this afternoon completely Thanksgiving-level sated after the orgy of lightly attended (better views for TV cameras) Trumpian celebrations on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It is entirely fitting that though our own Trump.45 declared earlier this week that Monday January 23, 2017 would be Day One, and that he would… Continue reading Trump’s Bucket List: All Your Dreams Can Come True* (January 21, 2017)

Trump & Women: “Lysistrata” Flexes Her Modern Muscles (January 18, 2017)

Inevitably when the conversation turns to Trump-related matters, the subject turns to sex. What’s good, what’s bad, how’s she rated, would you or not, who got who first or second, or last, or not at all. That’s Trump & his boys with their innocent locker talk. So edifying and uplifting to hear from the new… Continue reading Trump & Women: “Lysistrata” Flexes Her Modern Muscles (January 18, 2017)

Trump’s Imperium Triumph: A Literary Diverticulum* (January 17, 2017)

Over the recent Christmas holidays, I have had the distinct pleasure of renewing my acquaintance with the novels of English writer Robert Harris** (1957-present). Some time ago I read Pompeii (2003) and Imperium*** (2006), both historical novels set in the tumultuous times of the Roman Republic. It was a bare knuckles harshly practical world, with… Continue reading Trump’s Imperium Triumph: A Literary Diverticulum* (January 17, 2017)

Trump & The Press: “I Hate These Meeces to Pieces “(January 14, 2017)

I finally mustered the courage yesterday to watch the full blown Trump Press Event from Wednesday for a second time, start to finish. It was the first and last formal (if that term is not an oxymoron here) of Trump’s Pre-Presidential run and hide. It did not disappoint. We all have to get used to… Continue reading Trump & The Press: “I Hate These Meeces to Pieces “(January 14, 2017)

Trump’s Presser: A Power Slogan Perfected “Deflect & Ignore” (January 12, 2017)

America, you can stop holding your breath waiting for President-elect Trump to face the failing media. It all happened on Wednesday. Like a true Hollywood big screen hero, Trump rode in and slayed the opposition. Watch a couple highlights here. The full reel is entertaining, but far too long for the DWA 5th grade level… Continue reading Trump’s Presser: A Power Slogan Perfected “Deflect & Ignore” (January 12, 2017)

Trump’s Verbal Art: American Haiku in 12 Words & 14 Syllables (January 10, 2017)

“Haiku” is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme. Haiku* dates from the time of the pre-Modern Edo Period (1603-1869), best exemplified by the great master Matsuo Bashō… Continue reading Trump’s Verbal Art: American Haiku in 12 Words & 14 Syllables (January 10, 2017)

Trump is No Redford: Three Days of the Beakless Condor (January 9, 2017)

Real movie fans will recognize the inspiration for the title of this piece at a glance. The 1975 spy thriller “Three Days of the Condor” *was a popular and critically well-received hit directed by Sydney Pollack. Star power in abundance was provided by Redford and Faye Dunaway, ably surrounded by Max Von Sydow (as Joubert),… Continue reading Trump is No Redford: Three Days of the Beakless Condor (January 9, 2017)