Trump’s TV Ads: Broken Promises to the Faithful (October 18, 2016)

The gold standard source for monitoring Presidential campaign TV ad spending is data provided by CMAG/Kantar Media on a weekly basis. CMAG/Kantar Media is like the Nielsen Ratings for campaign TV. A full accounting for our purposes is provided by the Associated Press (AP) wire service and found here: Presidential Ad Spending The data was… Continue reading Trump’s TV Ads: Broken Promises to the Faithful (October 18, 2016)

Trump’s Weekly Progress: RCP Data Pile-Up (October 10-16, 2016)

Introduction Recap Starting October 10, we can expect there will be multiple General Election and State Specific Preference Polls released each day. Adapted from the published data presented by the RealClearPolitics crew, we can offer a Dow Jones like summary Index of the latest polling results every day. Like the Dow Jones Index we will… Continue reading Trump’s Weekly Progress: RCP Data Pile-Up (October 10-16, 2016)

Trump: Crumbs On the Table III (October 13, 2016)

The Trump news equivalent of donut holes and other morsels of Trumpitude, refreshed daily. The Daily Sweepings from out of the ether on Thursday, October 13, 2016: Crumb the First Witnessing Trump’s Clinical Decompensation and Psychic Blow Up The whirling dervish that is Donald J. Trump spun ever-faster on Thursday, shredding almost everything in… Continue reading Trump: Crumbs On the Table III (October 13, 2016)

Trump’s Progress: RCP Daily Presidential Polls Stock Ticker (October 16, 2016) Update

We are fast approaching the climax of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. The final results are less than 30 days away. From now until November 8, we can expect there will be multiple General Election and State Specific Preference Polls released each day. Adapted from the published data presented by the RealClearPolitics crew, we can… Continue reading Trump’s Progress: RCP Daily Presidential Polls Stock Ticker (October 16, 2016) Update

Trump: Crumbs On the Table II (October 12, 2016)

The Trump news equivalent of donut holes and other morsels of Trumpitude, refreshed daily. The Daily Sweepings from out of the ether on Wednesday, October 12, 2016: Crumb the First God Doesn’t Need Mike Pence to Be Trump’s Forgiveness Intermediary Mike Pence had a message Wednesday for evangelical Christians: They should forgive Donald Trump.… Continue reading Trump: Crumbs On the Table II (October 12, 2016)

Trump’s Mauve Gallery; A Tour Update (October 11, 2016)

Our last tour through the Mauve Polling Gallery, with works based on the brushwork of the HuffPost Pollster was on September 11. We return a month later to see how the wall hung graphics have fared with time. Sharp eyes required. Review the previous September guided tour here. Please recall that the great advantage of… Continue reading Trump’s Mauve Gallery; A Tour Update (October 11, 2016)

Trump: Crumbs On the Table, Sweet and Savory (October 11, 2016)

The Trump news equivalent of donut holes and other morsels of Trumpitude, refreshed daily. From out of the ether on Tuesday, October 11, 2016: Crumb the First The Redoubtable Newt Gingrich Gingrich said that Clinton would be a “nightmare” and would produce the “most corrupt and dishonest administration in American history.” “I think to… Continue reading Trump: Crumbs On the Table, Sweet and Savory (October 11, 2016)

Trump’s Place In Natural History: An Ancient Piscine Ancestor (October 9, 2016)

There has been no known Trump fish species identified by biologists before now. Occasional scattered reports have surfaced in the past year or so, of sightings of several kinds of Trump fish in the wild. All of these have been nearly conclusively identified as masquerading Blob fish or Puffer fish variants upon closer investigation. Or… Continue reading Trump’s Place In Natural History: An Ancient Piscine Ancestor (October 9, 2016)

Trump’s Brand New Original Campaign Slogan (October 8, 2016)

Great News! Our man Trump has swooped into the final 30 days with a brand new, exciting slogan for all the brothers and sisters on board the Trump Train. Well, mostly the Bros, to be honest. Here it is, fellow believers: GTBTP In line with modern design practice, he will use just the first letter… Continue reading Trump’s Brand New Original Campaign Slogan (October 8, 2016)

Trump Real Clear Results: Poll of Polls (October 5, 2016)

Traditionally, the real presidential election season every four years in America begins with the Labor Day holiday. This election year Labor Day fell on Monday September 5. The slower summer vacation time is past, and voter interest in serious political matters intensifies. This election season has been unusual in so many respects, it is hard… Continue reading Trump Real Clear Results: Poll of Polls (October 5, 2016)