Trump’s Hollow Tower: A Barren and Empty Place* (October 2, 2016)

Trump says he likes to build beautiful things, and not for the money. Yes, he really said that. Pinocchio’s wooden nose just erected a good 12 inches. Trump also likes shiny towers with his name emblazoned on them. More than any other rich plutocrat in recent memory he insists on a very public display of… Continue reading Trump’s Hollow Tower: A Barren and Empty Place* (October 2, 2016)

Donald Trump & Mark Cuban: Billionaire Bro Fight (September 25, 2016)

Mark Cuban, a fellow billionaire, has been invited to attend the presidential debate on Monday. His attendance at the debate has gotten Trump all hot under the collar, and he’s developed an itch elsewhere. For those who don’t know much about him, Mark Cuban is younger (age 58 vs. Trump’s 70), fitter, prettier, sports much… Continue reading Donald Trump & Mark Cuban: Billionaire Bro Fight (September 25, 2016)

Trump’s Battleground States Prospects: A Gallery in Mauve (September 11, 2016)

Selected Shades of Mauve The color Mauve is a happy scientific accident we owe to an enterprising young British chemist, a failed search for a malaria cure, and the powerful chemical properties inherent in byproducts of coal tar derivatives. A witches brew of beauty and profit. More below.* British Chemist, William Henry Perkin, Aged 18… Continue reading Trump’s Battleground States Prospects: A Gallery in Mauve (September 11, 2016)

Trump: Don the Con Plays Stump the Chumps (September 6, 2016)

Trump’s Latest Immigration Song and Dance From Reuters (September 5, 2016): Trump softens again: Raising possibility of eventual legal status for undocumented immigrants by Steve Holland In a new twist to his immigration proposals, U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump held out the possibility of legal status for millions of illegal immigrants, but only after… Continue reading Trump: Don the Con Plays Stump the Chumps (September 6, 2016)

Trump: Fibs and the Fibbing Fibbers Who Fib Them (August 31, 2016)

The Literary Inspiration for This Title The title of this post is a gentle adaptation of a 2003 best-selling satirical book by Al Franken,* who was subsequently elected to the U.S. Senate from Minnesota in 2008, and re-elected in 2014. Franken was a prominent cast member of NBC’s Saturday Night Live for almost 15 years,… Continue reading Trump: Fibs and the Fibbing Fibbers Who Fib Them (August 31, 2016)

Trump & Louisiana’s August Floods: American Disaster Porn (August 22, 2016)

Louisiana Underwater The rains began last Thursday, August 11. By Saturday, here in Baton Rouge we had endured 24 inches of rain from the continuous storm. Rivers and creeks were flooding at levels seen less than once in a century (maybe once every 500 years; until now the new normal). By Monday 30,000 people had… Continue reading Trump & Louisiana’s August Floods: American Disaster Porn (August 22, 2016)

Trump: Cardboard Christian (August 14, 2016)

In the last two weeks Trump has made a renewed call to “the Evangelicals” for their support as he vows to protect and support Christian rights in the United States. This is not his first rodeo with the more explicitly political among their brothers and sisters, despite the large segments of this religious group who… Continue reading Trump: Cardboard Christian (August 14, 2016)

Trump’s Military Service Family History: A 50-Year Update (July 27, 2016)

We have added another 50 years to the Trump family military service history to extend the 100 years already chronicled earlier (June 6,2016). The saga begins with the birth of Donald Trump’s grandfather Friedrich Trump (1869-1918) in Kallstadt, Germany in 1869. It runs through four generations of men named Trump in this family through mid-2016.… Continue reading Trump’s Military Service Family History: A 50-Year Update (July 27, 2016)

Trump’s Rally Crowd Tracker: Massive Projections (June 18, 2016)

As the pre-general election campaign intensifies before the two national party conventions in July (Republicans in Cleveland July 18-21 and Democrats in Philadelphia July 25-28), Trump’s intended tactical strategies are becoming much clearer. He will ignore traditional political wisdom and advice. He does not want to focus on a traditional get out the vote ground… Continue reading Trump’s Rally Crowd Tracker: Massive Projections (June 18, 2016)