Trump’s Corona: Confederacy of Dunces (April 1, 2020)

One of today’s quick little mashups to leaven the day’s drumroll of Stupid. One can’t help being aware that in happier times, such a display might be dismissed as a tasteless April Fool’s Prank. A trap set for the unwary. No screenwriter, no matter how gloriously twisted, could hope to compete with the real-life disturbances… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Confederacy of Dunces (April 1, 2020)

Trump & America’s Simple Plan (March 31, 2020)

America needs practical and reliable advice to navigate the viral fury coming on. Too much of our trouble is self-inflicted by ignorant and stubborn men in authority. Here is one good solution as part of a national relief package. See the footprint traces of crimson red American Carnage he has facilitated day by day in… Continue reading Trump & America’s Simple Plan (March 31, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Louisiana Tapping the Brakes? (March 30, 2020)& Hardy 1930 Another Fine Mess

We live in hope, all of us. Some states took the risks more seriously than others, earlier than others. Trump.45 blew it off until the last minute. He squandered whatever time delay was gained from initial restriction of travel from China in late January. His voluntary 15-day guidelines were issued on March 16. He spent… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Louisiana Tapping the Brakes? (March 30, 2020)& Hardy 1930 Another Fine Mess

Trump’s Corona: Dark Underbelly of Testing (March 29, 2020)

Sad to say, we no longer have to wait weeks or months to accumulate data intelligence on this ever swiftly moving pandemic. The data accumulates like a blizzard, hour upon hour. Daily updates are insufficient. The best data reporters have been forced, and have been able to make updated numbers available around the clock, most… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Dark Underbelly of Testing (March 29, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Louisiana By the Numbers (March 29, 2020)

It is tiring and disheartening to watch the COVID-19 numbers of illness and deaths spin ever higher and too often faster and faster. It is worse when the CIC is out to lunch and spinning ignorant fairy tales to no good public purpose. Yet here we are. We have already commented that Louisiana’s Governor, following… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Louisiana By the Numbers (March 29, 2020)

Trump & Doggerel Du Jour (March 28, 2020)

Another Splendidly Stupid Idea You’re Floating. Might have been a little help if you’d tried it January 15, and secured Massive Surveillance Testing to monitor it. But where? Washington State, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles? After the Fact Fill In Guarantees Failure. Public Health Moves are Time Sensitive. They Don’t Obey Hunches; Even from… Continue reading Trump & Doggerel Du Jour (March 28, 2020)

Trump & A Simple Battle Plan (March 28, 2020)

Boiled down to 5 Simple Points on One Page for a 5th Grade Understanding.  !20,000 Are Already Sick; 2,000 Are Dead. The Burn Rate is Rising by the Minute. We could put a Clock on the Toll. Right Now, Every Hour Delay Means Another 750 Americans Get Sick.

Trump & Forgotten Extras (March 27, 2020)

Another painful exercise watching the Strutter in Chief wear out his back-patting schtick. Against all odds, he did formally invoke DPA. Outstanding. See what we can do? Too bad it is 60 days late, so the effect will be blunted terribly. You lives with what you got, Federal wise anyway, for now. Fortunately for all… Continue reading Trump & Forgotten Extras (March 27, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Dereliction of Duty (March 26, 2020)

When history is written , today will mark a Black Crepe Day in the saga of American public health, political governance, and Presidential (non)leadership. Today is the day the US has burst its shackles and become Number 1 in all the world for its toll of COVID-19 distress. In the Triple Crown of Malachievements, the… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Dereliction of Duty (March 26, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Failure on a Global Scale (March 25, 2020)

Trump.45 diddled his way through January and then February holding rallies, playing golf, and otherwise pursuing all things personal and no things Presidential. As he diddled, the Virus came and cavorted without restriction from one corner of this country to the other. Failure to Test. Failure to Prepare for Medical Emergency. Failure to Plan for… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Failure on a Global Scale (March 25, 2020)