Trump’s Blimpy: Losing the Bariatric Challenge (May 30, 2017)

Trump.45 is significantly challenged calorically, as mere visual inspection will confirm. and his trouble has only gotten worse in the four months he has been stressed as President. He entered office as the third heaviest President in our nation’s 241 year history, and vying for a clean shot at second place All-Time (Grover Cleveland at… Continue reading Trump’s Blimpy: Losing the Bariatric Challenge (May 30, 2017)

Trump’s Report Card: With Friends Like These (May 29, 2017)

Trump.45 fancies himself first and foremost as a businessman par excellence and without contemporary peer. In a close second place is Trump.45’s personal legendary estimate that he is the smartest politician on the planet, possessed of n unerring instinct for the needs of common man, while he spiritually channels two American presidential greats: man of… Continue reading Trump’s Report Card: With Friends Like These (May 29, 2017)

Trump & Melania: Throw the Poor Dog a Bone (May 28, 2017)

In the immediate wake of the Trumpster’s first foreign foray with little to show but enormous ($110 billion) arms sales to Saudi Arabia to kick start a Middle East peace process that no one has cracked for the last 100 years, and the tremendous thud of his subsequent clumsy European reception, perhaps the most observed,… Continue reading Trump & Melania: Throw the Poor Dog a Bone (May 28, 2017)

Trump & Kushner: Jared Ducks Europe for Friendly American Skies (May 27, 2017)

Trump.45 is, of course, the official Ducker-in-Chief, and sets the standard for the rest of the clan to imitate, emulate and replicate. First Son-in-Law Kushner, married to favorite First Daughter Ivanka, is trying mightily to carry on his adopted family’s honor and tradition. Tyro Jared, was on his first overseas trip that counts as a… Continue reading Trump & Kushner: Jared Ducks Europe for Friendly American Skies (May 27, 2017)

Trump’s Surrogates: Who’s Minding the Store At Home? (May 23, 2017)

There is a wonderful little public service performed at the end of each workweek by the Associated Press (AP) as they call around and gather information on who the scheduled guests are for the Big Five Sunday News Shows. This is a venerable political tradition begun in the United States by Meet the Press, the… Continue reading Trump’s Surrogates: Who’s Minding the Store At Home? (May 23, 2017)

Trump & Melania: A Hand Snub Felt Round the World (May 22, 2017)

It has all gone so well for Trump.45 during the first roughly 72 hours of his epic journey overseas, with stops so far in two of the World’s three major religion’s (Abrahamic faiths) holy places that Trump.45 wants to master: Saudi Arabia and Israel. Well there was that little exhaustion flap causing him to pull… Continue reading Trump & Melania: A Hand Snub Felt Round the World (May 22, 2017)

Trump & Twitter Rank: Definitely Lower Second Tier (May 20, 2017)

Nearly everyone on Planet Earth with a smartphone or computer access knows by now that Trump is a Twitter Master and reigning King of the Social Media Universe. He brags, has bragged, and will continue brag about the veritable legions of his dedicated followers. They formed the solid, free media foundation that launched his campaign… Continue reading Trump & Twitter Rank: Definitely Lower Second Tier (May 20, 2017)

Trump’s Triumph: Fastest Countdown to Special Prosecutor Kickoff (May 18, 2017)

Trump.45 is obsessed with his own personal records and best performances, even when they occur exclusively in his own mind, like his estimates for the Inauguration crowds, or his 2016 popular vote margin of victory, for example. There is however, one granite ribbed, fact-based, solid gold standard of unique firstness just achieved in his honorable… Continue reading Trump’s Triumph: Fastest Countdown to Special Prosecutor Kickoff (May 18, 2017)

Trump’s Conduct: The Ducker-In-Chief is At It Again (May 4, 2017)

One of the stellar stories of the last 100 or so days has been the near complete absence from the public scene of our erstwhile American First Lady. We already knew she had no taste for the political life, since she said so quite openly in 2015 when her husband was beginning to suffer from… Continue reading Trump’s Conduct: The Ducker-In-Chief is At It Again (May 4, 2017)