Trump & Russian Spy Hacking: Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!!! (January 6, 2017)

Later today, all of America is in for a real treat. That is when the top U.S. Intelligence Agency officials (CIA< FBI, DNI) make their pilgrimage to the Center of the Known Universe, that is to say, the gloriously golden Trump Tower in New York, there to engage with the President-to-Be on the vexatious Russian… Continue reading Trump & Russian Spy Hacking: Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!!! (January 6, 2017)

Trump’s Relative Value Scale: Exxon, Apple, and Indiana (January 4, 2017)

Trump has made it abundantly clear. He is all in for the green. He rates his business record and self-professed personal wealth as the dominant cornerstones of his success. And the primary and overwhelming reason why Americans should trust him to lead this country, above and beyond all other candidates. That myopic and constricted vision… Continue reading Trump’s Relative Value Scale: Exxon, Apple, and Indiana (January 4, 2017)

Trump’s Ugly Romance: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous (December 30, 2016)

2016 Timeline Russia Computer Spies on U.S. Election throughout 2016 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Conclude Actions Deliberate and State Sponsored Trump Blames Fat Guy in Jersey Even Trump-Sympathetic FBI Declares Soviet Actions Intentional Trump Says : I Don’t Believe it” Thursday, December 29, 2016 U.S. President Imposes Sanctions, Kicks out 35 Russian Spies, Names GRU… Continue reading Trump’s Ugly Romance: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous (December 30, 2016)

Trump’s Diplomatic Journey: Flight to the Bottom (December 24, 2016)

It has been a bumpy ride in 2016 for civil political discourse and behavior in America, with one primary motivating force. Man of the Year, one DJT. The man now newly enshrined as our P-E for one rocky month of thrills and chills for the rest of us forced to ride along. At one time,… Continue reading Trump’s Diplomatic Journey: Flight to the Bottom (December 24, 2016)

Trump’s American Pie: Bernie Sanders and Lemon Meringue (December 22, 2016)

This morning I was scanning the radio waves at home and passed by my favorite NPR radio station. The WBUR Boston based show On Point with host Tom Ashbrook (a literate and informed gentleman) featured an interview and calls for one Senator Bernie Sanders, who you remember was an almost ran in the 2016 Presidential… Continue reading Trump’s American Pie: Bernie Sanders and Lemon Meringue (December 22, 2016)

Trump Jumps the Rails: Now He is Off the Reservation (December 17, 2016)

Trump is all atwit yet again. Today’s object is U.S. national security and China. Here is his latest Saturday morning eruption. Big Mouth Bellicose Trump with Signature Finger Pointing (November 2016) We have no direct record of Trump’s visage as he tore out this opus magnum, but this picture may be is a fair approximation.… Continue reading Trump Jumps the Rails: Now He is Off the Reservation (December 17, 2016)

Trump’s Cabinet Picks Part Five: Going to Be A White Christmas (December 13, 2016)

We are getting towards the end of the Trump Pick ‘Em process for the 2017 first version of the new Cabinet. Trump has now chosen 23 of the 28 highest level Administrative positions (President, Vice-President, 15 formal Cabinet Secretaries, 7 Executive Cabinet Level jobs, and 4 of the highest level staff, not quite cabinet grade,… Continue reading Trump’s Cabinet Picks Part Five: Going to Be A White Christmas (December 13, 2016)

Trump’s Cabinet Picks Part Four: Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’ (November 30, 2016)

No more pussy footing around. One of Trump’s ingenious new innovations in the political Pre Inaugural President Elect song and dance number has been the Beauty Pageant style parade of hopefuls, wannabes, job applicants, supplicants, and former rivals showing up to pay homage to the new Master in Residence, who kiss the imperial ring, presumably… Continue reading Trump’s Cabinet Picks Part Four: Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’ (November 30, 2016)

Trump’s Cheer from a Grateful People: 2-4-6-8 Mr. Almost President (November 27, 2016)

Unless I have made a mistake, or my internet browser is being phished, here is the entire Trump Twit universe from Friday start of business (6 AM) to Sunday at 6 PM. A total of 60 precious hours in the Trump Run-Up to the Future MAGA. Nothing about restoring jobs, massive tax cuts, better health… Continue reading Trump’s Cheer from a Grateful People: 2-4-6-8 Mr. Almost President (November 27, 2016)

Trump’s Cabinet Picks Part Three: Ladies’ Night* (November 23, 2016)

In 2016, the President’s Cabinet consists of 15 Department heads (all named Secretary, except the Attorney General of the Justice Department). These are the highest ranking government executives in America, besides the constitutionally elected President and Vice-President. The Vice-President is considered part of the Cabinet. Each of the 15 Cabinet officers must be approved by… Continue reading Trump’s Cabinet Picks Part Three: Ladies’ Night* (November 23, 2016)