Louisiana’s first reported Covid-19 case was a patient in Jefferson Parish near New Orleans. He was diagnosed on March 9 and he is officially the Index case for Louisiana, so far as government and public health authorities can tell. Our Governor has undertaken rapid and comprehensive public health measures since then to blunt the ravages… Continue reading Trump’s Folly: Louisiana Core Covid-19 Tracking Data (March 17, 2020)
Category: US Corona Deaths Day by Day
Trump’s Corona: Louisiana Down Home Edition (March 16, 2020)
The statewide response from Louisiana’s Governor and Public Health apparatus is refreshingly crisp, on point, and faithful to science-based principles. The Department of Health website is clear, informative and easy to access. The data are updated twice a day, morning and COB, and so far, they have not missed a best. Sadly, my home state… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Louisiana Down Home Edition (March 16, 2020)
Trump’s Corona: Louisiana Down Home Edition (March 15, 2020)
The statewide response from Louisiana’s Governor and Public Health apparatus is refreshingly crisp, on point, and faithful to science-based principles. The Department of Health website is clear, informative and easy to access. The data are updated twice a day, morning and COB, and so far, they have not missed a best. Sadly, my home state… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Louisiana Down Home Edition (March 15, 2020)
Trump’s Corona: Who Done It? (March 15, 2020)
We finally have some semi-decent numbers to address significant Covid-19 epidemic questions within our own US borders. We already know the Federal informatics response is just pitiful: laggard, out of date, incomplete. A truly half-hearted effort run by a group claiming petal to the metal 20-hour workdays. Rubbish. Thank God for many interested private groups… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Who Done It? (March 15, 2020)
Trump’s Two Grains of Rice: US Corona Daily Growth Multiplier Addendum (March 12, 2020)
Analytic Section Missing from Original Post What Does the Chart Suggest? There are no definitive answers for the US based behavior of the Covid-19 novel virus. But there are approximations possible that can be useful while the storm is upon us, subject to revision and always seeking the best and most complete data to support… Continue reading Trump’s Two Grains of Rice: US Corona Daily Growth Multiplier Addendum (March 12, 2020)
Trump’s Two Grains of Rice: US Corona Daily Growth Multiplier (March 12, 2020)
There are well funded, very smart academics in many centers who are doing sophisticated future modeling of the Covid-19 pandemic in the US, and how it is likely to grow and morph over the next 6 months to a year. They are critical to our future preparedness. But we also need early, crude, rough approximations… Continue reading Trump’s Two Grains of Rice: US Corona Daily Growth Multiplier (March 12, 2020)
Trump’s Corona: Early US Death Rates by State 02 (March 12, 2020)
It is still and more than ever to our national shames that Federal Public Health authorities are essentially playing with half a deck on this most serious infectious disease outbreak in more than a decade. Their retreat from compiling definitively all the available public health data and testing results is shocking and deeply troubling. In… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Early US Death Rates by State 02 (March 12, 2020)
Trump’s Corona: Early US Death Rates by State (March 11, 2020)
It is to our national shame that Federal Public Health authorities are essentially playing with half a deck on this most serious infectious disease outbreak in more than a decade. Their retreat from compiling definitively all the available public health data and testing results is shocking and deeply troubling to any public health practitioner. In… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Early US Death Rates by State (March 11, 2020)
Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 07 (March 10, 2020)
America needs competent, reliable, fact-based accurate information to plan how we react together to weather this new viral assault more than ever. This is the seventh in a daily series which started March 1, 2020, which we will now transition to weekly reporting, as the number of reported cases grows and epidemiologic measures such as… Continue reading Trump’s Corona Watch Ongoing Post 07 (March 10, 2020)
Trump’s Corona: God Has a Very Wicked Sense of Humor (March 8, 2020)
From the first time he descended the escalator and stepped onto the political stage (June 2015) Trump.45 has repeatedly denigrated and defamed our immediate southern neighbors in Mexico. He railed against rapists, drug dealers, human traffickers, gang members, and I presume, a few good people. That was before the hordes of migrant caravans and imminent… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: God Has a Very Wicked Sense of Humor (March 8, 2020)