Trump’s Corona: Southern Tier Crumbles (June 26, 2020)

This is the latest graphic from the COVID-19 Dashboard Mapdated June 25 which illustrates the state of play in recent COVID-19 control failures. As is obvious from inspection, the worst of the worst among all 50 US states runs along the southernmost US border. This second marked map makes the point a bit plainer. Among… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Southern Tier Crumbles (June 26, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Alabama’s Bum Offer (May 17, 2020)

It is a favorite sport among a certain set of Louisiana’s self-satisfied, Too Cool for Words Kids to make fun of archetypical Alabama residents in the Dumbass Redneck genre, with memes about marrying your cousin, retarded social skills, general lack of intelligence, and so forth. This banter amps up every fall especially around the annual… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Alabama’s Bum Offer (May 17, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: The Big Lie Amplified (May 14, 2020)

There is no getting away from Trump’s insistent use of “The Big Lie” (große Lüge) propaganda technique weaponized and popularized courtesy of Josef Goebbels in the 1930’s. Lie outrageously, early and often, with no shame. Never explain, never apologize. Trump has the whole routine down pat; it is an essential component of his political style and… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: The Big Lie Amplified (May 14, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: On Top of the World (May 8, 2020)

Americans are incurable optimists. For the sake of our nation and the general public good, it was devoutly to be hoped that the current CIC might possibly have learned the tiniest fragment lesson of wisdom from the first 30 days of his delayed and grudging response to COVID-19, as it spread like wildfire across this… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: On Top of the World (May 8, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: COVID- 19 Secret Planning Session (April 14, 2020)

No, these are not notes from some Federal Washington Work Group. Those things are never secret, and there’s not much planning going on during their deliberations either. This is the real deal brought to you by the Nasty Little Bugs in Conjunction. Our COVID Spread the Wealth Task Force has been exploiting the ultra-luxury petri… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: COVID- 19 Secret Planning Session (April 14, 2020)

Trump & The Master Haberdasher (April 12, 2020)

So, on this Holy Day of Easter in the Christian calendar 2020, today we were forced to endure a re-missive that Trump is unhappy with Dr. Fauci and his Damned Medical Advice, and feeling better about expressing his Royal Displeasure at science based advice made for the Public Good. Jack of Anything, Master of Nothing.… Continue reading Trump & The Master Haberdasher (April 12, 2020)

Trump & The Corona F Troop Team (April 11, 2020)

It was bound to happen. A Man who lives by Reality TV Standards would imitate in real life a beloved quirky comedy series from ABC, a rival network. Too bad for America there are uncomfortable parallels with 2020 Real Life, except for the gentle humor in the original. There was a popular replica Fort Courage… Continue reading Trump & The Corona F Troop Team (April 11, 2020)

Trump & The Ultimate Medical Trio (April 10, 2020)

On this Good Friday of Holy Week, a believing Christian would approach his life obligations with humility and seriousness of purpose, reflecting carefully on the symbols and lessons of Jesus’ story. Dr. Trump delivered a 2 Hour live disquisition rambler on COVID-19 today before the lights and cameras, without any display of Leadership attributes or… Continue reading Trump & The Ultimate Medical Trio (April 10, 2020)