Trump’s Corona: Dereliction of Duty (March 26, 2020)

When history is written , today will mark a Black Crepe Day in the saga of American public health, political governance, and Presidential (non)leadership. Today is the day the US has burst its shackles and become Number 1 in all the world for its toll of COVID-19 distress. In the Triple Crown of Malachievements, the… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Dereliction of Duty (March 26, 2020)

Trump’s Corona: Failure on a Global Scale (March 25, 2020)

Trump.45 diddled his way through January and then February holding rallies, playing golf, and otherwise pursuing all things personal and no things Presidential. As he diddled, the Virus came and cavorted without restriction from one corner of this country to the other. Failure to Test. Failure to Prepare for Medical Emergency. Failure to Plan for… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: Failure on a Global Scale (March 25, 2020)