Trump: The Codex Trumpius, Perspectives from Outside (June 7, 2016)

The 2016 election primary season is essentially over, save for the shouting. No disrespect to the District of Columbia and its pending primary (D June 14), but the District will never board the Trump Train, and they have but three electoral votes to cast against him. If we are to endure the constant assault of… Continue reading Trump: The Codex Trumpius, Perspectives from Outside (June 7, 2016)

Trump’s New Metric: Lawsuits per Billion Ratio (June 1, 2016)

Trump’s hair-trigger lawsuit behavior has been much in the news this past week, It started with his intemperate and racist outburst about the San Diego based Trump University fraud case, and morphed into a more searching examination of his typical business practices for more than 30 years. Trump Art: The Lawsuit Golden Abstract (Interactive Graphic)… Continue reading Trump’s New Metric: Lawsuits per Billion Ratio (June 1, 2016)