Trump 24: Stuck in the Groove (September 8, 2024)

Trump was at it again in New York this past Friday. He called a press conference to deliver an angry 50-minute ramble and then not answer any questions. He happened to be in New York City to attend an appeal with a bunch of his lawyers for one of his decided legal cases (civil) where… Continue reading Trump 24: Stuck in the Groove (September 8, 2024)

Trump 24: Exclusive Presidents Club (September 7, 2024)

Every four years for the past 250 years American voters gather together to choose and ratify two applicants for the most exclusive membership club in the world, the US Presidents Club. We never select a single individual. Each time, following the Wisdom of our Founders in 1788, we vote for two national constitutional officers, a… Continue reading Trump 24: Exclusive Presidents Club (September 7, 2024)

Trump 24: Election Prediction from 2005 Movie (September 2, 2024)

America has just celebrated our Annual Labor Day Holiday … or tried to. As is their wont Trump & Allies are trying to suck the oxygen out of the room by flogging Afghanistan fantasies and faux Presidential decorum, thus dragging out his grievous insult to all America’s War Dead since the Civil War with his… Continue reading Trump 24: Election Prediction from 2005 Movie (September 2, 2024)