Trump’s Own Stock Index: Seven Days in February (February 28, 2020)

Older readers will remember (most with guilty pleasure) the politico-military thriller “Seven Days in May” by Fletcher Knebel and Charles Bailey, published in 1962. It was shortly (1964) made into a very popular movie starring Kirk Douglas (sadly, so recently departed), Bert Lancaster, Frederic March, Ava Gardner, Edmond O’Brien, and Martin Balsam, among others. The… Continue reading Trump’s Own Stock Index: Seven Days in February (February 28, 2020)

Trump’s Knock-Knock Joke on America (February 13, 2020)

Knock Knock Who’s there? Ima Peach Ima Peach who? Ima Peached Trump 2020 Is this some sort of bad kids’ joke? Not in 2020 America. How far we’ve come in the last four years since January 2016, when Trump was still not generally considered a serious Republican candidate, much less a threat to America’s Rule… Continue reading Trump’s Knock-Knock Joke on America (February 13, 2020)

Trump & Iowa 2020: Fourth Place Finish (February 11, 2020)

Introduction Much has been made this past week of the incompetent Democratic management of the Iowa caucuses reporting mess. It is a mess, though based on good intentions poorly planned and supervised. Still, the actual results are worth review. After all, both the Republicans and Democrats held their Presidential caucuses on the same night. Trump.45,… Continue reading Trump & Iowa 2020: Fourth Place Finish (February 11, 2020)

Trump: Doggerel Poetry the Second (February 10, 2020)

In two hours, the first primary votes in a secret ballot election for President in American in 2020 will be cast for both Republicans and Democrats in New Hampshire. The Midnight 3 small towns (Dixville Notch, Millsfield, and Hart’s Location) will trumpet their results (about 75 votes in total) for all the World to hear,… Continue reading Trump: Doggerel Poetry the Second (February 10, 2020)

Trump: Doggerel Poetry in the Time At Hand (February 10, 2020)

Everyone paying attention has noticed the literate arts have taken a nose dive under the ignorant dumbass currently lording it over our national discourse. Each time Trump.45 opens his mouth for more than 30 seconds he offers indisputable proof positive of this proposition. We are all locked in for another 12 months, regardless of the… Continue reading Trump: Doggerel Poetry in the Time At Hand (February 10, 2020)

Trump’s Fantasy Electoral Coattails (February 6, 2020)

Introduction In the wake of the first Presidential impeachment in U.S. history where a Senator of the President’s own party voted to convict and remove him, Trump.45 is on a predictable tear for all the World to see. The object of his internal rage and bluffoonery is one Mitt Romney, one of Utah’s two current… Continue reading Trump’s Fantasy Electoral Coattails (February 6, 2020)

Trump’s Voter Shrinkage 2018: The XX Factor (November 16, 2018)

Trump.45 has faced his first real voting test after his enormous Victory in 2016, and the amazing Benefits he has conferred on America since November 8, 2016, while he has been in charge. Jobs, the Economy, the Stock Market, new China Trade Deal, easy Middle East Peace, the Defanging of North Korea, his Love Match… Continue reading Trump’s Voter Shrinkage 2018: The XX Factor (November 16, 2018)

Trump’s Armistice Belly Flop: Unforced Errors (November 14, 2018)

Trump.45 has just returned from perhaps the worst 60 hour Presidential foreign jaunt in United States history (43 hours on the ground in France). Not even Fox News can fumigate and perfume this one. Trump.45 had a unique historical opportunity to showcase America’s leadership and moral standing during the 100-Year Anniversary of the Armistice to… Continue reading Trump’s Armistice Belly Flop: Unforced Errors (November 14, 2018)

Trump’s Own Signature Doesn’t Match: Voter Fraud? (November 12, 2018)

Trump.45 is at it again this morning after returning from his dystopian European disappointment of a trip. He didn’t get a Beautiful Military Parade; it rained (drizzled) on his personal parade to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery Ceremony; Macron screwed up his Lunch Plans with buddy Vlad by switching the seating plan; and the 70 World… Continue reading Trump’s Own Signature Doesn’t Match: Voter Fraud? (November 12, 2018)

Trump’s Political Dictionary: A Hair is Bigger than A Comfortable (November 10, 2018)

Trump.45 really does deserve to publish his own lexicographic dictionary. I will dub it “The Donald J. Trump Unabridged Dictionary of American English Political Discourse” for him, in anticipation of its welcome release when his Presidential time ends. He is most welcome to use this provisional name, in whole or in part. Or he could… Continue reading Trump’s Political Dictionary: A Hair is Bigger than A Comfortable (November 10, 2018)

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