Trump’s Defective Bullhorn: Voting Discrepancies (November 9, 2018)

Trump.45 is at it again. On his way to the helicopter this morning, he is spinning the usual mix of misinformation about counting votes, in a loud voice. Remember this simple Rule of Human Behavior: The Fraudster Always Yells Foul First In this case we refer to Trump.45 as the titular head of Republicans everywhere.… Continue reading Trump’s Defective Bullhorn: Voting Discrepancies (November 9, 2018)

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Trump Snorts: Laughter in the Face of Tragedy (November 7, 2018)*

When I was a kid growing up, there were two general interest periodicals in my house: U.S. News & World Report every week and Reader’s Digest every month.** As an 8 year old U.S. News held little interest for me, but I read Reader’s Digest cover to cover. For a while, until I began to read… Continue reading Trump Snorts: Laughter in the Face of Tragedy (November 7, 2018)*

Trump’s Personal Anchor Baby Problem: 4 out of 5 (October 30, 2018)

Trump.45 has injected yet another barbed and nasty divisor into the 2018 Midterm Election campaign exactly one week before Election Day. This time it is his specious claim he can dismantle Amendment XIV to the U.S. Constitution (on the books since 1868; 150 years) by Presidential Executive Order, bypassing Congress and the Courts. He wants… Continue reading Trump’s Personal Anchor Baby Problem: 4 out of 5 (October 30, 2018)

Trump’s Domestic Terrorism Mushrooms: A Fine Pair (October 28, 2018)

Trump’s Domestic Terrorism Week In the space of the last 6 days America has been treated to the rotting fungal fruits of Trump.45’s rhetoric and fundamental campaign tactics. We have lived through the worst mass mail bomb assassination attack in U.S. History. 14 bombs send by a dedicated partisan coward through the mail, all to… Continue reading Trump’s Domestic Terrorism Mushrooms: A Fine Pair (October 28, 2018)

Trump’s ‘Ten Little Indians’: Coming Home to Roost (October 25, 2018)

In a darkly appropriate demonstration, America has now witnessed (as of 12 Noon on Thursday) a real life iteration of Trump.45’s incendiary political rhetoric made flesh. Ten Little Indians Those of us of a certain age were entertained and taught to count in public school kindergarten by memorizing and repeating a simple rhyme. From the… Continue reading Trump’s ‘Ten Little Indians’: Coming Home to Roost (October 25, 2018)

Trump’s Election Profile: Biggest Home Town Loser in 100 Years (January 28, 2018)

As everyone knows by now, Trunp.45 is very big on firsts, of all kinds, especially politically themed comparisons. Here’s one accomplishment he has earned fair and square, and it is unlikely to be challenged for the next hundred years in American presidential politics. A pathway to victory in a presidential election starts with the president’s… Continue reading Trump’s Election Profile: Biggest Home Town Loser in 100 Years (January 28, 2018)

Trump’s Tangled Web: Congressional Shadowboxing Investigations (January 18, 2018 Ongoing)

January 18, 2018 Thin Skein Joint House Judiciary and Oversight Committees Clinton Email Server From The Hill (January 18, 2018): Two House panels on Thursday questioned former FBI Director James Comey’s former chief of staff during a closed-door interview that lasted over seven hours. FBI official James Rybicki faced questions from lawmakers on the House… Continue reading Trump’s Tangled Web: Congressional Shadowboxing Investigations (January 18, 2018 Ongoing)

Trump’s Personnel Wipeout: Another One Bites the Dust (January 18, 2018 Ongoing)

January 18, 2018 Resigned Under Pressure Carl Higbie Chief of External Affairs- Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) Service Dates: August 2017-January 2018 (5 months) Conduct from 2013   From The Hill (January 18, 2018): A Trump administration appointee resigned Thursday after CNN reported on his past use of racist, sexist, anti-Muslim language on… Continue reading Trump’s Personnel Wipeout: Another One Bites the Dust (January 18, 2018 Ongoing)

Trump’s Perfect Storm: It’s Not the Crime But the Cover-Up (January 18, 2018 Ongoing)

A Semi-Creative Silencing Modus Operandi With Stealth Features From The Hill (January 18, 2018): President Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen reportedly used a private company and a pseudonym to get money to an adult film star who allegedly had an affair with the president in 2006. The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that Cohen used… Continue reading Trump’s Perfect Storm: It’s Not the Crime But the Cover-Up (January 18, 2018 Ongoing)

Trump’s Map Drivel: Repeated Lies, Untrue Lies, and Gross Fabrications (January 15, 2018)

It has become past irksome trying keep up with Trump.45’s constant stream of untruths, misstatements, mischaracterizations, and let’s put the plain truth on the table, flat out lies, spoken through his pearly white veneered teeth to the public at large. Major journalistic organizations now require more fact checkers and Pinocchio assessors than reporters , writers,… Continue reading Trump’s Map Drivel: Repeated Lies, Untrue Lies, and Gross Fabrications (January 15, 2018)