Trump’s Physical Exam: Please Be Careful, Admiral Jackson (January 10, 2018)

The White House has announced that on Friday, January 12th, Trump.45 will attend a physical examination under the direction of White House physician Admiral Ronny Jackson, a board–certified Emergency Medicine doctor. From NBC News: President Donald Trump is getting his first medical checkup since taking office, a head-to-toe exam on Friday as questions swirl about… Continue reading Trump’s Physical Exam: Please Be Careful, Admiral Jackson (January 10, 2018)

Trump and Jerusalem: Plunk Your Magic Twanger, Froggy (January 2, 2018)

Today’s Rolling in the Aisles Hot Flash Laugher is Trump.45’s latest diplomatic policy announcement via the Official-45 Twit Site this evening, just around dinner time (5:30 PM Washington Time). Here goes (from the magnificent Trump Twitter Archive): Jan 2, 2018 05:23:41 PM – Congratulations to Senator Orrin Hatch on an absolutely incredible career. He has been… Continue reading Trump and Jerusalem: Plunk Your Magic Twanger, Froggy (January 2, 2018)

Trump’s Envy Greenface: Times Square & Mariah Carey (December 31, 2017)

Late evening on Sunday, December 31, 2017 Americans take a break from work, or rest, or vacation, or partying and turn towards the Crossroads of the World, New York City’s Times Square in order to virtually join in the celebration and wait for the historic Ball Drop at Midnight from 77 feet atop the old… Continue reading Trump’s Envy Greenface: Times Square & Mariah Carey (December 31, 2017)

Trump’s Obama Fixation: Trump Secures Second Place Forever (December 27, 2017)

    We have learned by now that Trump.45 can’t help himself when he looks at Obama. No matter what he sees, or reads, or imagines, Trump.45 is dead set earnest on besting Obama in every way, large and small, trivial and significant, and so on and so forth, forever and ever. It’s like a… Continue reading Trump’s Obama Fixation: Trump Secures Second Place Forever (December 27, 2017)

Trump’s Christmas Obsession: Wax in His Ears (December 25, 2017)

Trump.45 has been on and on about the loss of Christmas to Christians engineered by evil forces for years now. He has repeatedly applauded himself for single-handedly having vanquished the trend and banishing Satan’s anti Christmas forces (not to mention Muslims and illegal immigrants), most recently in his Christmas 2017 video message on Twitter. Watch… Continue reading Trump’s Christmas Obsession: Wax in His Ears (December 25, 2017)

Trump & Judicial Appointments: What’s In a Name? (December 24, 2017)

Two politicians named Kennedy, were born a generation apart (34 years), both whip smart, both elected to office with majorities several times, both elected as U.S. Senators, one a President, both first elected as Democrats. One personal difference is found in their given middle initials, N for Neely and F for Fitzgerald. One is a… Continue reading Trump & Judicial Appointments: What’s In a Name? (December 24, 2017)

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Trump & Moore Part III: Who Will Show Up to Vote? (December 11, 2017)

Twenty-four hours to go. Tuesday’s Alabama Special Election for U.S. Senator is a Sword of Damocles for the conservative, faith practicing voters in Alabama, who normally vote straight up Republican tickets, as they help make the definitive choice on December 12. The rest of the country gets to watch closely This is all very dry.… Continue reading Trump & Moore Part III: Who Will Show Up to Vote? (December 11, 2017)

Trump & Moore Part II: Laggard Alabama Vote Getter (December 8, 2017)

Tuesday’s Alabama Special Election for U.S. Senator is rapidly approaching as this weekend’s final campaign push is beginning. Alabama voters alone will make the definitive choice on December 12. The rest of the country gets to watch. That is not to say outside influences haven’t been directed full bore at high volume towards the beating… Continue reading Trump & Moore Part II: Laggard Alabama Vote Getter (December 8, 2017)

Trump & Moore Part I: RTR, “Our Eyes Are Upon You” (December 6, 2017)

America’s roiling national political conversation takes a back seat to Alabama until after next Tuesday’s Special Election Final to permanently replace Jeff Sessions who held the seat from 1997 until he assumed office as U.S. Attorney General in January 2017. Of course, the decision is up to the voters of Alabama, using their own best… Continue reading Trump & Moore Part I: RTR, “Our Eyes Are Upon You” (December 6, 2017)

Morsels in the Time of Trump #1: Body Parts & Twitter (December 3, 2017)

Trump.45 has surely changed some of the mores of American politics. Whether those changes will be permanent or simply considered aberrations over time has yet to be determined. One change is the lightening pace of his twistings, twirlings, flippings, floppings, and changelings on people, places, and things, galore and unlimited. One cannot digest a full… Continue reading Morsels in the Time of Trump #1: Body Parts & Twitter (December 3, 2017)