Trump’s Falsies: Another Crock of Trump on GITMO (March 7, 2017)

Trump was at it again on early morning Twitter today. The 7 AM Edition. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision! 7:04 AM – 7 Mar 2017 23,529 replies 17,882 retweets 68,252 likes Here the inciting influence is… Continue reading Trump’s Falsies: Another Crock of Trump on GITMO (March 7, 2017)

Trump’s Jobs Growth: Rest of the Story Debit Ledger (February 24, 2017)

Among the signature accomplishments of our new Trump.45 Administration in the economic realm is the substantial improvement in the nation’s jobs picture, begun even before Trump took office. Just ask him. We heard about Carrier, Ford, and Softbank very early on. There were some nasty naysayers who claimed Trump was hogging credit for work he… Continue reading Trump’s Jobs Growth: Rest of the Story Debit Ledger (February 24, 2017)

Trump’s Loyalty Purges: The Shermichael Personnel Purity Test (February 22, 2017)

It’s been brewing for some time, but the latest percolation of the Trump Effect burst forth just a week or so ago, when a disloyal new Administration employee was forcibly ejected from his job at HUD by security officers,, on directions of the White House. From the February 16 edition of the New York Times:… Continue reading Trump’s Loyalty Purges: The Shermichael Personnel Purity Test (February 22, 2017)

Trump’s Begats Problem: A Cycle of Betrayal, Distrust & Incompetence (February 18, 2017)

We have a Begats Problem of Biblical proportions in the newly forming and fecund Trump.45 staffing universe. Here’s one DNA mind thread. Trump begets Flynn. Flynn begets Deare. Deare begets criticism and chaos. Trump.45 beheads Flynn. Trump.45 beheads Deare. New Guys don’t want the job. This is not the end of the problem. Begats are… Continue reading Trump’s Begats Problem: A Cycle of Betrayal, Distrust & Incompetence (February 18, 2017)

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Trump’s Timecard #2: The Weekends of Trump on America’s Dime (February 16, 2017)

Americans are intensely interested in the movings and shakings of the man who can do it all, and who will never forget the formerly forgotten. Trump will not rest, and will not take a vacation until Americans are winning so much they are sick of winning.* He said it on tape, so you can take… Continue reading Trump’s Timecard #2: The Weekends of Trump on America’s Dime (February 16, 2017)

Trump & Flynn Finale: Trump as the Cowardly Lion (February 13, 2017)

At 10:45 PM Monday night Eastern Time, Michael Flynn handed in his WH security pass and employment credentials, with a one page apologia and some weak excuse of a mea culpa. Mike Flynn Delivers Yet Another  Dishonest Handshake to Vice President Mike Pence on Friday (02/10/17) Here is the full text of this brave document.… Continue reading Trump & Flynn Finale: Trump as the Cowardly Lion (February 13, 2017)

Trump’s Intelligence: Proof Positive Mike Flynn’s A Patriot (February 13, 2017)

The stale story of Mike Flynn’s possible peccadillos as a traitorous blabbermouth in December are getting, frankly, far too much attention in the media. These unfounded rumors are a distraction to Trump.45 and should cease immediately if the Press knows what is good for them. Otherwise, the Press and other haters and losers are just… Continue reading Trump’s Intelligence: Proof Positive Mike Flynn’s A Patriot (February 13, 2017)

Trump’s Timecard: The Weekends of Trump on America’s Dime (February 11, 2017)

Americans are intensely interested in the movings and shakings of the man who can do it all, and will who will never forget the formerly forgotten. Trump will not rest, and will not take a vacation until Americans are winning so much they are sick of winning. He said it on tape, so you can… Continue reading Trump’s Timecard: The Weekends of Trump on America’s Dime (February 11, 2017)

Trump’s Internal States: Resolute Desk Thermometer (February 11, 2017) Ongoing

Trump has a famously non-poker quality facial expression controller. The storms and tempests roiling his soul flash across his visage in a bewildering array of looks and at warp speed. All America needs to have some semi-reliable gauge of his current state of play. A monitor of his mental, emotional, psychological, and work stress temperature, as… Continue reading Trump’s Internal States: Resolute Desk Thermometer (February 11, 2017) Ongoing

Trump Flash Quickie: Rex Tillerson’s First Hill to Climb (February 10, 2017)

Here is the fifth appearance of a newish Trump.45 species of information transfer, a hint of his gracious MAGA restoration effort. Imagine the sound of a flashbulb popping on a heavy 40’s style news photog’s camera wielded by a Joe Pesci-type character, revealing in an instant the seamy side of politics, life, love, social gossip,… Continue reading Trump Flash Quickie: Rex Tillerson’s First Hill to Climb (February 10, 2017)