Trump is Playing a Stage Role: As the Worm Turns (April 22, 2016)

That moment the most loyal Trump fans have feared and prayed against may have come this week in Florida. Is Trump just play-acting a role? The idiomatic phrase  “the worm has turned”, derived from an old proverb, has been in English language usage for more than 450 years, since 1546. Shakespeare included it in his… Continue reading Trump is Playing a Stage Role: As the Worm Turns (April 22, 2016)

Trump: Thug in Sheep’s Clothing (April 17, 2016)

Thug: Background for Selecting the Word It has taken some time to resolve the proper definition of the first title word for this blog post. I had a pretty settled notion in my own mind what the proper meaning of this term is in my native language, English. That understanding was based on the usage… Continue reading Trump: Thug in Sheep’s Clothing (April 17, 2016)

Trump Responds: The One-Two Feminine Punch (April 7, 2016)

That Was The Week That Was (TW3) That Was The Week That Was.* The week of March 28 ­– April 3 2016. Week 13 was not a good one for the Trump Campaign. There was a trio of jolting gaffes. First about the Trump photo-spread wife fights: Melania versus Heidi. Then the blow of a… Continue reading Trump Responds: The One-Two Feminine Punch (April 7, 2016)