Trump’s Corona: CDC’s Cowardly Lion Response (March 4, 2020)

A Shameful Act in Four Parts No one interested in science or fact-based reality testing even remotely expects much anymore from Trump.45, who has an indelible and persistent lifelong record of fudging, obfuscation, and denial. It is no surprise that his hand-picked loyalist bureaucrats like HHS Secretary Azar bend over and toe the line in… Continue reading Trump’s Corona: CDC’s Cowardly Lion Response (March 4, 2020)

A Post-Modern Fairy Tale (March 2, 2016)

Once upon a time, in a land far away…….. There lived an aging Prince with beautiful blond locks carefully coiffed. This Prince had succeeded in almost everything he had ever tried, and grew used to getting his way in all things financial, social, recreational, and status-wise. He had the best castles. He had so much… Continue reading A Post-Modern Fairy Tale (March 2, 2016)