Trump & Mueller: Climbing Robert’s Ladder Scratch Pad (December 1, 2017)

Shocking, but perhaps not surprising, was today’s drama of a Legal Sweetheart Deal (Maybe) for Michael Flynn, Trump’s disgraced former National Security Advisor, who was already under FBI investigation before he ever took office, appointed by Trump without any Senate confirmation. Trump’s political pace is fast and frantic, but this one is historic. Just ten… Continue reading Trump & Mueller: Climbing Robert’s Ladder Scratch Pad (December 1, 2017)

Trump’s Surrogates: Who’s Minding the Store At Home? (May 23, 2017)

There is a wonderful little public service performed at the end of each workweek by the Associated Press (AP) as they call around and gather information on who the scheduled guests are for the Big Five Sunday News Shows. This is a venerable political tradition begun in the United States by Meet the Press, the… Continue reading Trump’s Surrogates: Who’s Minding the Store At Home? (May 23, 2017)