Trump’s Personal Anchor Baby Problem: 4 out of 5 (October 30, 2018)

Trump.45 has injected yet another barbed and nasty divisor into the 2018 Midterm Election campaign exactly one week before Election Day. This time it is his specious claim he can dismantle Amendment XIV to the U.S. Constitution (on the books since 1868; 150 years) by Presidential Executive Order, bypassing Congress and the Courts. He wants… Continue reading Trump’s Personal Anchor Baby Problem: 4 out of 5 (October 30, 2018)

Trump Responds: The One-Two Feminine Punch (April 7, 2016)

That Was The Week That Was (TW3) That Was The Week That Was.* The week of March 28 ­– April 3 2016. Week 13 was not a good one for the Trump Campaign. There was a trio of jolting gaffes. First about the Trump photo-spread wife fights: Melania versus Heidi. Then the blow of a… Continue reading Trump Responds: The One-Two Feminine Punch (April 7, 2016)