Trump is No Redford: Three Days of the Beakless Condor (January 9, 2017)

Real movie fans will recognize the inspiration for the title of this piece at a glance. The 1975 spy thriller “Three Days of the Condor” *was a popular and critically well-received hit directed by Sydney Pollack. Star power in abundance was provided by Redford and Faye Dunaway, ably surrounded by Max Von Sydow (as Joubert),… Continue reading Trump is No Redford: Three Days of the Beakless Condor (January 9, 2017)

Trump: The Codex Trumpius, Perspectives from Outside (June 7, 2016)

The 2016 election primary season is essentially over, save for the shouting. No disrespect to the District of Columbia and its pending primary (D June 14), but the District will never board the Trump Train, and they have but three electoral votes to cast against him. If we are to endure the constant assault of… Continue reading Trump: The Codex Trumpius, Perspectives from Outside (June 7, 2016)

Trump: Postcards from Republicans in the Vineyards (May 28, 2016)

A Vintage Postcard From Cleveland Graphic to Headline the Catalogue* A periodic offering of Love Notes and Dear John epistles from loyal Republican partisans, tearfully sent to Big John with the stubby little fingers (the modern day Valentino Love Legend in His Own Mind).** All senders are recognized bona fide Republican or conservative voters, writers,… Continue reading Trump: Postcards from Republicans in the Vineyards (May 28, 2016)