Trump’s Daily Mind Tabs #01: Ex-Liberty (January 25, 2017)

These are most exciting times, fellow travellers. Our Dear Leader (ODL) is busy at it again on this Wednesday, January 25, our First day of Real National Security Protection in oh so many years We were all gifted with another EO signing at the WH today. This one has teeth. As usual, it is couched… Continue reading Trump’s Daily Mind Tabs #01: Ex-Liberty (January 25, 2017)

Trump: Facts Are Stubborn Things (FAST) (May 3, 2016)

We all know what a fact is. From the Wikiquote entry on Fact: A fact (derived from the Latin factum) is something that has really occurred or is actually the case. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability, that is whether it can be proven to correspond to experience. That is the… Continue reading Trump: Facts Are Stubborn Things (FAST) (May 3, 2016)