Trump & Mueller: Climbing Robert’s Ladder Scratch Pad (December 1, 2017)

Shocking, but perhaps not surprising, was today’s drama of a Legal Sweetheart Deal (Maybe) for Michael Flynn, Trump’s disgraced former National Security Advisor, who was already under FBI investigation before he ever took office, appointed by Trump without any Senate confirmation. Trump’s political pace is fast and frantic, but this one is historic. Just ten… Continue reading Trump & Mueller: Climbing Robert’s Ladder Scratch Pad (December 1, 2017)

Trump Flash Quickie: A Disappearing Flynn (January 31, 2017)

A 1940’s Street-Wise New York Photographer (Joe Pesci in the Public Eye 1992) Here is the inaugural of a new Trump.45 species of information transfer, a hint of his gracious MAGA restoration effort. Imagine the unforgettable sound of a flashbulb popping on a heavy 40’s style news photog’s camera wielded by a Joe Pesci-type character,… Continue reading Trump Flash Quickie: A Disappearing Flynn (January 31, 2017)