Trump: Fibs and the Fibbing Fibbers Who Fib Them (August 31, 2016)

The Literary Inspiration for This Title The title of this post is a gentle adaptation of a 2003 best-selling satirical book by Al Franken,* who was subsequently elected to the U.S. Senate from Minnesota in 2008, and re-elected in 2014. Franken was a prominent cast member of NBC’s Saturday Night Live for almost 15 years,… Continue reading Trump: Fibs and the Fibbing Fibbers Who Fib Them (August 31, 2016)

Trump: Thug in Sheep’s Clothing (April 17, 2016)

Thug: Background for Selecting the Word It has taken some time to resolve the proper definition of the first title word for this blog post. I had a pretty settled notion in my own mind what the proper meaning of this term is in my native language, English. That understanding was based on the usage… Continue reading Trump: Thug in Sheep’s Clothing (April 17, 2016)