Trump & The Mad Hatter (April 14, 2020)

Trump is way beyond the gentle satire of “Alice in Wonderland” territory. He is now full bore out there and beyond. Like signing an Executive Order today for the US to Mine the Moon. I kid you not. Meanwhile another 1,500 Americans will die today on his watch, because he is still screwing around and… Continue reading Trump & The Mad Hatter (April 14, 2020)

Trump & The Master Haberdasher (April 12, 2020)

So, on this Holy Day of Easter in the Christian calendar 2020, today we were forced to endure a re-missive that Trump is unhappy with Dr. Fauci and his Damned Medical Advice, and feeling better about expressing his Royal Displeasure at science based advice made for the Public Good. Jack of Anything, Master of Nothing.… Continue reading Trump & The Master Haberdasher (April 12, 2020)

Trump & The Corona F Troop Team (April 11, 2020)

It was bound to happen. A Man who lives by Reality TV Standards would imitate in real life a beloved quirky comedy series from ABC, a rival network. Too bad for America there are uncomfortable parallels with 2020 Real Life, except for the gentle humor in the original. There was a popular replica Fort Courage… Continue reading Trump & The Corona F Troop Team (April 11, 2020)

Trump & The Ultimate Medical Trio (April 10, 2020)

On this Good Friday of Holy Week, a believing Christian would approach his life obligations with humility and seriousness of purpose, reflecting carefully on the symbols and lessons of Jesus’ story. Dr. Trump delivered a 2 Hour live disquisition rambler on COVID-19 today before the lights and cameras, without any display of Leadership attributes or… Continue reading Trump & The Ultimate Medical Trio (April 10, 2020)

Trump & Big Equipment (April 9, 2020)

Trump is obsessed with Size. He likes to compare. Let’s compare. Enough pussyfooting around. Trump’s obdurate ignorance will cost many more American lives to come. He already has left South Korea so far behind you can’t even see them as a speck in the Death Race Rear View. As for COVID-19 testing rates in other… Continue reading Trump & Big Equipment (April 9, 2020)

Trump & The Tiger (April 8, 2020)

During this Christian Holy Week, we all have time to reflect on elemental values. If only the Nasty Ones would stop to understand the magnitude of His Heroic Effort and Sacrifice for all Americans. The loss of income, personal comfort, and Live Rallies to re-start the Unbroken String of Unparalleled Successes in Field After Field.… Continue reading Trump & The Tiger (April 8, 2020)

Trump & The Corona Cheerleader (April 7, 2020)

Once in a Blue Moon moment, Trump offers a trenchant analysis and pertinent advice about his own conduct in office. Telling the truth between the Gaps. So it was today for a New York second. America badly needs a Real General in Charge, not a Play Cadet. We need a War Footing Central Command structure.… Continue reading Trump & The Corona Cheerleader (April 7, 2020)

Trump & the COVID-19 Dream Team (April 4, 2020)

For a real-life cartoon President, there is no better backup than a not on TV Trio of Pranksters and Bumblers. At least the originals made us laugh, and no one got killed. If you’all don’t know who the Three Stooges are, go watch some educational TV during the Stay At Home Shutdown. For the older… Continue reading Trump & the COVID-19 Dream Team (April 4, 2020)